If only you could enjoy the rejuvenating properties of a good vacation without all the hassle of travel expenses and in-flight magazines. MAXIN’ RELAXIN’ gives you the fresh ocean breeze and warm sun in the comfort of your own living room, kitchen, and/or backyard. For more information, purchase a Netscape Catalogue at your local Radioshack.

Inside every ugly duckling is an Adonis waiting to break free. Choose from a vast selection of faces and show the world your true colors. For more information, purchase a Netscape Catalogue at your local Radioshack.

The lunar landscape is your highway in this thrilling virtual adventure. Enjoy a wide selection of luxury sports cars as you tour the galaxy in MOON CRUISER. For more information, purchase a Netscape Catalogue at your local Radioshack.

With SHOPPING SPREE, no debt, store hours, or stingy spouse is going to stop you from browsing the endless aisles. It’s everything your heart desires. For more information, purchase a Netscape Catalogue at your local Radioshack.

Paris, Parthenon, Pentagon. WORLD TOUR grants you access to some of Netscape Inc.’s most painstakingly rendered simulations. Experience our planet’s most iconic cities and landmarks. For more information, purchase a Netscape Catalogue at your local Radioshack.